Buy Feminized Hemp Seeds For The State Of West Virginia
CBD Hemp Seeds For Growing In West Virginia
It is easy to grow hemp in West Virginia. All you need is some West Virginia hemp seeds, a space to grow them, and the proper licensing from the West Virginia Department of Agriculture (WVDA). Although the 2020 industrial hemp application period is currently closed, indoor cultivation facilities may still apply.
Getting Licensed to Grow Hemp in West Virginia
WVDA designates a specific period for interested parties to apply for a commercial hemp license. Licenses become effective upon application approval for the calendar year and expire on December 31 the same year. Applicants must complete the WVDA Hemp Application Form, list geospatial coordinates, and provide all other required information to participate. Applicants may also request a printable PDF of the application by email at marnold@wvda.us.
Note that the state requires separate licenses for processing and cultivation of hemp. Prospective growers and processors must also pay appropriate fees when applying with the WVDA. Application fees are as follows:
- First-time applicants – $100.00 plus $5.00 per acre applied
- Previous year’s “Full License” holder or application renewal – $50.00 plus $5.00 per acre applied
WVDA reviews each application carefully to ensure that they’ve received all requested information. If the application is incomplete, they will allow the applicant to provide the missing details before rejecting the application. Additionally, each approved first-time applicant must undergo a background check by using their fingerprints. The applicant must submit a completed background check from both the FBI and the West Virginia State Police directly to the WVDA office.
The Department will issue licenses to applicants who satisfy all the requirements and submit complete applications. Each license is specific to the licensee and will list locations where they may store, cultivate, process, grow, or handle raw commercial hemp. Additionally, applicants must comply with the WVDA Proposed Industrial Hemp Plan.
Registrants are responsible for themselves and anyone involved with processing, harvesting, maintenance, and planting industrial hemp grown under their license.
Sampling and Testing Hemp in West Virginia
WVDA has a Hemp Testing Laboratory Program. Each license holder must contact WVDA at least one month before harvesting their licensed crop to schedule a sample collection time via email to HEMP@WVDA.US. Remember to write “HARVEST NOTIFICATION” in the subject line and list the licensee’s full name plus the intended harvesting date in the email body. This timeframe allows sufficient time for sample collection arrangements and delivery to the WVDA or any accredited USDA approved lab for testing. A licensed representative must test each growing area and variety (lot) to ensure THC levels don’t exceed 0.3%, plus the measurement of uncertainty.
Harvesting can’t occur until a WVDA representative has sampled and inspected the hemp field. Inspectors must not mix hemp samples from one growing area or variety (lot) with hemp plant materials from other lots. Each licensee is responsible for the testing and sampling costs. Once a lot is tested and confirmed compliant, harvesting can continue.
Site Monitoring
WVDA specialists perform site inspections to ensure compliance with Federal and State laws regarding hemp production in West Virginia. They will inspect the site as they take samples from hemp crops. Inspectors may also analyze sites for other purposes, such as education, compliance verification, and collection of information.
Hemp Application Restrictions in West Virginia
Any applicant convicted of a felony associated with possession of controlled substance within the last ten years is ineligible for licensing. Moreover, any land owned by a person with a felony conviction for the same within the last ten years might be ineligible for inclusion on a hemp license in West Virginia. Any other felonies associated with the applicant within the past ten years may also render an applicant ineligible. The Department will review these on a case-by-case basis.
Next Steps to Grow Hemp in West Virginia
After gaining licensing to grow hemp in West Virginia, the next step is buying feminized hemp seeds. Feminized Hemp seeds are the most reliable purchase any grower can make. Buying West Virginia feminized hemp seeds ensures every crop yields high levels of both terpenes and CBD, with only small traces of THC. Unlike other types of hemp farming (seed, grain, or fiber), feminized seeds ensure increased yield, high-quality crops, and incredible return on investment.
For more information about West Virginia Hemp Laws, visit their website. Of course, you can always contact us to learn how we can help you thrive in the West Virginia hemp industry.
WV Proposed Industrial Hemp Plan Download
WV Hemp Application Form Download
WV Hemp Testing Laboratory Program Download