Buy Feminized Hemp Seeds For The State Of Hawaii
CBD Hemp Seeds For Growing In Hawaii

To grow hemp in Hawaii, farmers must adhere to the island state’s stringent hemp guidelines. Here are the requirements necessary for those who wish to grow hemp in Hawaii.

Getting Licenced to Grow Hemp in Hawaii

To grow hemp in Hawaii, one must be licensed by the state’s Department of Agriculture (HDOA) under its industrial hemp pilot program. This program is currently based on the 2014 Farm Bill. However, a new program based upon the 2018 Farm Bill will likely be available later this year.

To obtain a license, individuals or other entities must submit an Industrial Hemp Application FormIndividual applicants must reside in the state. Business entities must have a place of business, tangible assets, or permanent employees assigned to areas or workstations within the state.

Applicants must provide information about the company, including a list of everyone involved in the project, the hemp varieties farmers intend to grow, the end-use of the product, and the number of acres or square footage of the cultivation space. The application must also include a tax map key of the proposed grow site, a photo image map of the actual growing area (HDOA recommends Google Earth Pro), legal address, and GPS coordinates for the approximate center of the grow site.

The applicant must choose one of the laboratories approved by the HDOA to conduct on-site sample collection and testing. They must also attach proof of the laboratory’s willingness to do so.

Additionally, the application must pay an application fee of $500.00 for application processing. Approved licenses are valid for two years as long as the licensee pays the annual payments of $250 plus $2 per acre for assessment.

Each hemp license allows the cultivation of a maximum of ten acres on a single contiguous land area. Any additional or non-contiguous acreage requires a separate license. The HDOA issues hemp licenses four times a year; in March, June, September, and December.

Hawaii Hemp Cultivation Laws

Hemp grown in Hawaii must meet the federal THC limit of 0.3 percent. If a test shows that THC levels exceed 0.3 percent, the department may impose civil penalties of up to $500 or disciplinary actions. Disciplinary actions that may include suspension, revocation, or non-renewal of a license. However, licensees may apply for a waiver of the penalties if the THC level of the sample collected is higher than 0.3 percent but lower than 1 percent.

The department insists that noncompliant hemp plants are either destroyed or used as compost or erosion control.

Producers may sell hemp products if they report any movement of the hemp plants, seeds, or plant materials outside the licensed area to the HDOA.

Mandatory Hemp Reports in Hawaii

Hemp farmers in Hawaii must submit the following four reports;

  • Pre-planting Report: Licensees must file a pre-planting report for the Department’s approval before planting any hemp. This report includes a map of the growing area and the varieties to be planted.
  • Planting Report: Growers must submit the planting report within ten days after planting. This report should describe all varieties planted and any volunteer hemp plants that the farmer chooses not to destroy plus the location and acreage of both.
  • Harvest Report: The farmer must file a harvest report at least 30 days before harvesting. The report shall describe the harvest date and location of each variety cultivated. It should also state whether the farmer has a purchase agreement with a hemp processor.
  • Movement Report: A licensee must file a movement report two days before the movement of hemp or its materials. The report must include the dates of movement, mode of transport, and the location from which hemp moves.

Sampling and Testing Hemp in Hawaii

All licensees are subject to hemp inspection and sampling to ensure the hemp crop’s THC levels do not exceed 0.3 percent. A routine sample collection and testing will take place within 30 days before harvest. The inspection may be planned or unannounced.

The licensee agrees to grant the inspectors unlimited access to the crop, CBD seeds, growing areas, buildings, and other structures within a licensed land area.

The tests are conducted by authorized labs in Hawaii and may include pesticide screening.

The licensee must also reimburse the department for all inspection and testing costs incurred. Learn more about how sampling and testing of hemp work in Hawaii by visiting this website.

Acquiring Feminized Hemp Seeds in Hawaii

The HDOA no longer supplies hemp seeds. However, the Department allows licensees to purchase seeds, plants, and propagules from other sources by submitting a Domestic Seed Request FormLicensees must submit this form at least three weeks before making a seed or clone purchase.

Furthermore, farmers must ensure that they only purchase feminized hemp seeds to ensure high levels of CBD and low levels of THC. Female CBD seeds are easier to grow and will produce more abundant flowers with higher CBD content.

Visit Hawaii’s Hemp Pilot Program website to learn more or contact us for more information.

HI Industrial Hemp Application Form Download

HI Domestic Seed Request Form Download


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